Sunday, November 5, 2017

Rescue of Remo!

Rescue of Remo

During the daily chat, my wife's voice was very dull, and I could sense something is wrong. I asked what happened. With a feeble voice she said Remo was not feeling well; and bells started ringing in me.

Remo is our pet dog. He was brought from my wife's place. Akila named him as Remo.
The same week Arun visited and he liked him more than anybody. He brought a chain; brought special food; took for walk and so on. Everyday during the chats Remo would be a subject. How he shakes hands, what does he eat etc.

During my next visit to India after receiving blessings from mother and entering the house I met Remo. He was very cute. I also started playing with him. One night there was a rain. We usually tie him in the place where we keep the cattle.  I heard his barking and rushed to see. The rain drops were spilling on him and he could not bear it. I untied him and brought to another adjacent closet and tied him. He started barking again and could not stop. I understood he felt lonely there. Then I brought and tied near the door and car. He felt comfortable and stopped the barking.

Everybody liked him. We understood him as a child. Mother, sister and whoever visit the house would give him special attention.

Therefore, when I heard he was ill I felt bad. He was not taking food. Next day morning I called and enquired about him the news was still bad. His stools contained blood stream. I asked to take to Doctor. Mother arranged a local person who by experience treated the animals. The second day was worse.  No food again the discharge contained blood. Arun and Akil were making calls and wife started worrying.  In the village people looked at us differently. Worrying for a dog! Wife started to feed some milk into his mouth forcibly.
It was Thursday. Arun was asking the developments and he took one-day permission to work from home and arrived all the way from Bangalore to Echampatty on Friday 3rd Nov. morning .

He searched in the internet and found a doctor in Attur and got an appointment also. He took Remo to a doctor by the name of Mahatma. (with the help of Anbalagan his cousin)
The doctor examined and said he had viral infection. He said the treatment was possible and he could start the treatment if we assure to bring him for three days continuously. Because in the part of the world only people spend money to treat cows or very high breed dogs. Nobody bothers for a dog like Remo!

Arun said ok. He started the treatment.  Second day some improvement was visible. The blood from the stools stopped. He started taking liquids. Today the third day he started barking and shaking hands. I just wanted to talk to the Doctor. I thanked him for his help. Instead he thanked us for taking care of a dog and said Remo was out of danger!
Remo was rescued by Arun! We are proud of him!

5 Nov17